Love making during Pregnancy

It is absolutely safe to make love during pregnancy. In a normal pregnancy, you can keep doing it right until your waters break. However, it is important to note that in women with a history of premature delivery, sex during the last few weeks can induce pre-term labour.

You need to check with your doctor before having sex if you:

• Have a history of miscarriages;

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• Have a problem, such as placenta praevia or any breakthrough bleeding in early pregnancy. Your doctor may then advise you not to have sexual intercourse until you complete 14 weeks.

• Undergone fertility treatment or are above 35 years old. (In some women, the hormonal changes may lead to an increased sex drive. Others may be completely averse to the idea of making love.)

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• If you or your husband has a sexually transmitted disease, such as genital herpes.

In any other circumstances, there is no physical reason why you and your husband cannot make love throughout your pregnancy.

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