The human body goes through many remarkable changes during pregnancy. Your uterus grows several times its normal size, you gain weight, your skin changes and your breasts often change during pregnancy. Of all these changes women are often most intrigued by the changes that occur in their breasts during pregnancy.
Early Breast Changes in Pregnancy
In early pregnancy most women experience sore breasts. This is common as early as the first few weeks after conception. Many women notice their nipples feel sore or tingly while others notice their breasts seem swollen or enlarged. Some women liken the changes to those that occur right before menstruation, only more dramatic. Breast tenderness is actually an early sign of pregnancy. Most women will start noticing breast tenderness roughly four to six weeks into their pregnancy. Typically this sensation lasts throughout the first trimester of pregnancy.
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Later Breast Changes during Pregnancy
Many women's breasts grow larger throughout their pregnancy. Some women will grow a cup size or more during pregnancy, especially with their first child. You may be disappointed to find your breasts do not change as much during subsequent pregnancies as they do during your first pregnancy.
Itching is common side effects as your breasts grow and adapt, preparing to provide your newborn baby with milk after delivery. Some women will also develop fine white stretch marks in their breasts. Usually a high quality moisturizer is enough to help reduce itching and reduce the appearance of stretch marks that occur in the breasts during pregnancy.
Anywhere from six to eight weeks into your pregnancy you may also notice your nipples appear larger and the veins in your breasts appear more prominent. This is common as the volume of blood circulating in the body increases throughout the pregnancy. Other women develop small bumps around their areolas called
Some women's breasts begin leaking colostrum or premilk late in the second or early in the third trimester. Consider yourself lucky if this doesn't happen and don't worry about it. If your breasts do leak you can easily remedy the problem by using a nursing pad.
Supporting Your Breasts during Pregnancy
Some women find maternity bras the most comfortable during pregnancy. You'll want to look for a supportive bra that will allow a little room for growth, as your breasts will likely grow even larger when your milk comes in during the first few days after pregnancy.
If you plan to exercise during pregnancy you'll also want a strong and supportive exercise bra, particularly if your breasts have grown a cup size or two. Some women resort to wearing two bras to reduce their discomfort while exercising. Most women will survive on two or three bras during pregnancy and thereafter. You may find you need to have a couple of different sizes handy as your breasts grow, change and develop during and after your pregnancy.
Most women find their breasts return to their pre-pregnancy size and sometimes a bit smaller after pregnancy. This is perfectly normal and a common side effect of pregnancy, not breastfeeding. It is pregnancy rather than breastfeeding that actually causes all of these changes to occur in the breasts.
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