When is the best time to have intercourse if we're trying to conceive?
Preconception Tips
Exactly when a woman ovulates in any given cycle isn't always easy to predict. It depends in part on the length of your menstrual cycle, although recent research has shown that the "window" of ovulation can vary more than was once thought, even when your menstrual cycles are regular. This is one of the reasons why fertility experts recommend having sex every two to three days throughout your cycle, rather than focusing your efforts on the days when you think you're about to ovulate.
How do I know when I'm ovulating?
Some women are very aware of when they ovulate. Other women don't notice any changes at all. If you're thinking about getting pregnant, get in touch with your body by looking out for the natural signs that you're approaching ovulation. These may start about three weeks before you expect your next period and include:
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What else can I try?
Many experts feel that for most couples having sex two or three times a week is the most effective way of maximising your chances. It's certainly worth trying for at least a few months before looking at other ways to detect ovulation.
If you do not become pregnant after, say, six months of actively trying (particularly if you are over 35 years of age), it's worth talking to your doctor. He or she may well suggest that you track your cycle for a few months to identify how regular your periods are and when and if you are ovulating. Your doctor can also give you advice about your health and what you can do to increase your chances of conceiving.
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