Does age matter?
Fertility decreases with age. Women in their twenties are more fertile than women in their thirties and on an average, it gets far more difficult for a woman to conceive after the age of 35. Fertility is at its peak when a woman is in her twenties, and when she is between 30-35, fertility is down by around 15 to 20 percent. This is not very much lower, and it probably means just a few more months of trying to get pregnant. However, once a woman reaches the age of 35, it is harder for her to conceive, and if she is trying to have her first child after 35, chances of it being born with Down's Syndrome are greater. All this really means is that the mother will have to take more care during her pregnancy, and if she is careful, she can give birth to a happy, healthy baby at any age. Also, the chances of a woman giving birth to twins, peak between the ages of 35 to 39!
Can diet play a part in increasing chances of getting pregnant?
Yes, what you eat can render you more fertile, or less so. If you have been trying to get pregnant without much success, try staying away from tea, coffee and other caffeinated drinks and beverages. Also, avoid alcohol and cigarettes.
How often should we have sex?
Whether you will get pregnant or not doesn't depend on how often you do it, but on when you do it. Timing of intercourse is more important than frequency. If you get the timing right, you can get pregnant at once, otherwise you may have to try a number of times before you get pregnant. A lot also depends on the sperm count of your husband. If your husband has a high to normal sperm count, you could have sex everyday during your fertile period. However, if your husband has a low sperm count, you may want to have sex every other day during this period.
Will taking a hot shower affect my husband's sperm count?
No, taking a hot shower will not affect his sperm count, but lying down in a tub of hot water for around 10 minutes, will. Similarly if you are trying to get pregnant, your husband should avoid using the sauna or steam bath. Remember, if he uses the steam bath now, his sperm count will affected adversely for around three months after that. It takes sperm 10 to 11 weeks to be produced, so bear that in mind. Also, tell your husband to switch to cool and loose boxers instead of wearing tight underwear. He should also avoid wearing biker shorts for at least two months prior to when you plan to conceive.
What are the best sexual positions to get pregnant?
Avoid any woman on top position, since in such positions the sperm has very little chance of reaching the cervix. The missionary position is probably your best bet, and you can alternate this with rear entry positions with the man on top, if you have a tilted cervix. Keep a pillow under your hips for a while during or immediately after intercourse, to allow the sperm to travel to your cervix.
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